Tuesday, November 11, 2008

tattoo on food

Can you guess WHY they had lines tattoo'd on their toes? (answer below)

Because they are knitters. This is the line where they need to start decreasing for the toe of their socks. Love it!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Next tattoo idea art

For my next tattoo I am thinking I want Joan of Arc on my lower leg. So I am scouting for pictures of her to tweak or use. This one I found in a kids magazine at the doctors office today.

It may be abit romanticized but I like it. I'm going to keep looking though.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

tattoo facelift

Before: here is my shoulder tat from 1992ish. Originally done at Tattoo America Hampton Beach NH. It was flash I picked out and asked for rainbow colored wings on. It was also a cover up of a smaller broken heart. It got old and tired looking and I didn't like how the had colors faded. (and wasn't thrilled with the original colors in the first place) I also didn't like how the left wing looked one dimensional yet the right one looked ok.
Yesterday I had it re-done by Chris at Atlantic Studio in Rockland Maine. I think he did fabulous with what I gave him to work with.

Needless to say I am VERY pleased with the results. It isn't a tattoo I would pick out for myself today (ahh youth) but at least now I am not embarrassed to have it on my body.
Kids let this be a lesson to you to always pick the colors you want in your tattoo. Not every tattoo can be fixed later on. And even those that can will have limitations. I got lucky.

Friday, July 11, 2008

best trend tattoo

I just found out a friend also has ink from Atlantic Studios. Check out her work: A before shot of a piece she decided to update.

In progress.
And the new updated look. Excellent work. I love it!

And some wrist ink with meaning.

I knew she was cool before but now she is super cool! Thanks N for letting me share the pics.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Freaky Coincidence

So last night I finally counted all the stars on my leg. In a twist of fate the number is exactly 42. How cool is that?


Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mothers Day!

Yesterday being mothers day I decided it was the perfect time for that family tattoo I had been planning. My idea was constellations representing the kids and my husband. It fits perfectly with the Lion King thing we have going here. (Long story-see older posts) A big plus is that DH's sign is Leo. What better to go right above Mufasa's head? Here is some of the work in progress. (my sister came with and took the pics)

Chris of Atlantic Studio hard at work. D and I had a blast joking around with him. He made the experience fun. Not all tattooists are good at that part of the job. (some personalities just mesh together better than others too) He was very cool.

This is my DD's sign, Virgo. (left side of calf) OK I took these photos so excuse the bad quality. It isn't easy snapping pics of my own leg with a crappy camera.

DS's sign, Aquarius. (wrapping around back of calf)

And DH's sign, Leo. (on right of calf above previous Mufasa head, also showing part of Aquarius)

It probably isn't technically correct, not all those constellations are in the sky at the same time. And not all stars may be represented. However with tattoos sometimes it is about the representation, not the technicalities that is most important. I am very pleased with the results. He did a fabulous job.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This ones for Lauren

Hey woman, how about a trip to the tattoo shop? You know you wanna. :-)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dog tatoos

Just a couple of dog related tats I found to share.

Someday I want to get my akitas paw print as a tat somewhere. I am to nervous to try to get a portrait because I am so picky.
This pug looks excellent though.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Another word tatoo

Being a reader I really love word related tattoos. I wonder what the specific script is in this case.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Son of a tattoo

Someone needs to clue Ami in to what PETA REALLY does. I'm pretty sure he would be appalled. Especially being an american bulldog owner himself. His partner Chris also owns a pit bull.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

new font tattoo

The booklover in me just went ballistic when I found this pic.

new font tattoo

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

amazing tattoos

Check out this firefighter tattoo website that is incredible.

Unfortunatly I did not find anything remotely similar for Law Enforcement. Just a few here and there. This one above was under "patriotic" on a regular gallery. I know there are plenty of cops getting work related tattoos. I've even seen a few of them.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Surfing for tattoos

Check out the awesome tattoo blog I ran across. It will keep you busy for a few hours for sure. (It did me.) http://www.tao-of-tattoos.com/tattoo-designs-blog.html

Not that I need any more ideas. My list so far for the possible future includes:

Star constellations added above The Lion King tat. (to represent the family and my love for stargazing)

Re-coloring and re-doing my heart wings. (a tat facelift so to speak)

The USMC blood stripe with the words Semper Fidelis (in red) down my right leg.

Something with Aslan. (Combines my thing for God with a beautiful animal.)

I am toying with a Disney themed dog tat on a leg. Trying to work out the details in my head. It would take multiple sessions as I have it in my head thus far.

Joan of Arc. (Mixes faith with armor and strong women)

A celtic tat, either a Pat fish design or something in gaelic.

I would love to have a half sleeve on one arm. Something beautiful, colorful and timeless. Perhaps a repro of some artwork I admire.

I also have a weird scar on my collarbone from a surgery that I would love to either get covered or get something opposite of to distract from it. (busted during judo-needed a plate to put humpty dumpty back together)

Hubby isn't nearly as jazzed about all my tat ideas. Especially the half sleeve. He prefers tats on women only be in specific places. Or should I say HIS woman. No arms, necks, or breast work. That only leaves my legs, and back as most of my remaining canvas. Considering the time they take, the pain they cause during the process, and the costs involved, I would say he is safe from me running out to get a full body job anytime soon. Good thing though. (Though if I looked like this
I'm sure he wouldn't give a crap.) VBG

simbol tattoo

Here is another site that is worthwile the time.

Friday, January 11, 2008

lion tattoo

Not being the brightest bulb in the box last night, it didn't occur to me to snap a recent pic of my tattoo at the same time I took one of my sister's. This morning I realized my error and tried to get a good shot of it. It turns out that my camera really is crap when it comes to close ups of this size. I have no focus control. I swear it isn't as blurry as the photo shows. If it were I would be seriously PO'd at the tattooist.

I also learned that it is also not easy trying to get a pic of your own ankle. I have it on the inside of my left leg so I can see it easily myself. I will try to get someone with a real camera to snap me some decent pics in the future.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

lion tattoos design

I just love tattoos. So I thought I would start a blog just about tattoos that I love. Mine and others that I find online or see in the flesh. I am by no means a tattoo expert. Just a fan of the art form. Here is my first. Technically my second. I got it back in 92 and it is a cover up of a smaller heart. I love the heart but the wings need improving. The left one looks one dimensional. I am hoping to get the colors re-done soon too. It was done at a place in Hampton Beach New Hampshire called Tattoo America. It represented freedom from a bad relationship.
This is my most recent one. (a bad pic, sorry) I need to get a recent healed pic of it to share. (geez I am pasty white!) I also went back and had a few more lines added to the mane. This is the inspiration it came from.
It is a family tattoo for me as a Lion King theme has special meaning for us. I am planning on adding some star constellations to it above his head to represent the kids and hubby too. I just haven't decided what color to get them done in.
Anyhow, welcome to the blog. I will be adding to it as I go along. Now I need to go be mom and cook supper. Not my strong suit. Wish me luck.